
Just the Way You Are



中午與另一半外出,在車上不經意聽到Bill JoelJust The Way You Are,我們不約而同地跟著旋律輕唱著,窗外是一片盛開的粉紅色羊蹄甲,我們短暫地交換著微笑的眼神,那是一種極為幸福的感覺!嗯!就選這首歌吧!

Just The Way You AreBilly Joel的名曲之一,旋律動聽,有著Helen最愛的鋼琴和薩克斯風做配樂,歌詞更有意思,每次聽到都非常的感動,現在就來段Billy Joel的現場演唱!

愛是什麼,應該是牽著他(另一半或子女)的手不離不棄,也應該就如Billy Joel所唱,接受原來的他,愛原來的他吧!如果你還在努力地雕塑或想改變你的另一半和孩子,那麼你更該再好好聽這首歌!



1. 這張ATC印章圖案出自Paperbag Studios (牽手章)Oxford Impressions (音符章)

2. Just The Way You Are歌詞如下:

Don't go changing to try and please me

You never let me down before

Don't imagine you're too familiar

And I don't see you anymore

I wouldn't leave you in times of trouble

We never could have come this far

I took the good times, I'll take the bad times

I'll take you just the way you are


Don't go trying some new fashion

Don't change the color of your hair

You always have my unspoken passion

Although I might not seem to care

I don't want clever conversation

I never want to work that hard

I just want someone that I can talk to

I want you just the way you are


I need to know that you will always be

The same old someone that I knew

What will it take till you believe in me

The way that I believe in you


I said I love you and that's forever

And this I promise from the heart

I could not love you any better

I love you just the way you are


  1. 世上的每一個生命都是[獨一無二]的
    [版主回覆03/01/2009 12:05:18]尊重彼此的差異性  並欣然接受
    其實是知易行難   不過能愈早體會到   日子就愈幸福

  2. 小羊朵麗絲3/01/2009 06:53:00 PM


    [版主回覆03/01/2009 22:18:57]I couldn't agree more!
    朋友相處 真能接受對方Just the way you are    那是真真正正的摯友了


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